Sunday 25 October 2015

the only ever god

“Let us not meditate on a disincarnated word.”

- Oscar Romero

“I confess my lack of piety: I am unable to love God. I am unable to love anything in the abstract.”

- Rubem Alves

When I keep God at a distance, in the safe and anesthetized world of abstraction, I lose God. When I say God is love or peace or justice, but keep those words so holy that they never animate the mundane activities of this earthy and bodily world, then I lose God.

God is only ever God as the word-made-flesh. God is only ever God when I see his scraggly smile on the street corner or when I hold her hand in the nursing home or when a “How are you?” pierces my thick skin. God is only ever God when I hear the birds and the early commuting traffic and the morning breeze sing a divine matin. God is only ever God when the goodness which others and I hope for echoes a deeper goodness from God knows where or when.

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