Sunday, 25 December 2016

"Word and Flesh" (John 1:1-14)

(Meditation for Gayton Road Christian Church's Sunday Worship on December 25, 2016, Christmas)
(With the help of the children and the youth)


A Different Kind of Christmas Story

When you think of the Christmas story, what do you think of? What characters or places or events do you imagine?

In today’s scripture, John tells the Christmas story. It’s a different kind of Christmas story than the one we hear in Matthew and Luke, where we see stars and angels and the baby Jesus. John’s Christmas story is cosmic. It’s a little bit like those movies where the camera zooms out and you see all the planets and stars and galaxies.

The Word of Christmas and Creation

John says that the story of Christmas is also the story of creation, because both of them celebrate the same thing: God’s Word. A Word that brought life to the entire universe. A Word that came to life in Jesus.

All this talk about a word of great power makes me think about magic words. Do you know any magic words? What’s supposed to happen when you say them? (Does this really happen?)

What about in everyday life? Let’s say that you want a cookie, and your mom or your dad says to you, “Say the magic word.” What word do you say? And what happens?

All Words Are Magic

You know what I think? I think all words are magic. I think all words change the world.

When someone gives you a compliment, how does it make you feel? How does it change you?

Bodies Made of Words

In today’s Christmas story, John says that God’s Word became flesh. That’s sort of like saying that our bodies are made of words. That all the compliments we’ve received, and all the encouragement, and all the instruction—all these words have helped to shape us and make us who we are.

Think for a moment about who you are. What are some of the words that have shaped you—maybe words that your parents have said, or your friends?

Now I’m wondering about the baby Jesus, who’s with us today in the manger. I’m marveling about what John says: that Jesus is made up of God’s word. What do you think this means?

I think what John is saying is that as the baby Jesus grows up to be a young child, and then a teenager, and then a young adult, he keeps hearing a special word from God. Not “Abracadabra.” Not “hocus pocus.” Not even “please.” What words do you think God is saying to Jesus? I believe God’s saying, “I love you.” (I think God says the same thing to all of us, but I believe Jesus heard it most clearly and trusted in it with all his heart.)

I believe “I love you” is the Word of God that became flesh, that made up the body of Jesus.

The Word God Says

And according to John’s Christmas story, the Word that comes to life in Jesus is seeking to come to life in us. John says that if we hear this Word and trust in it, it’s like we are reborn.

So today as we welcome the baby Jesus into our world and our lives, we also welcome the Word that God says. What is this Word? What is it that God says to us?

I love you.


Baby Jesus,
Holy Christ child,
Full of God’s love—
May we too hear that special Word of God,
And grow with you
In God’s love.

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